Oil on canvas | 2021
The often-translucent themes in Henry Lin’s compositions share the artist’s fascination with abstract realism and the subjective perspective. Known predominantly for his highly-textured oil paintings, reminiscent of the expressive forms of a bygone era, Henry’s eclectic subjects flow with movement on a planar canvas. Inspired by modern classics, the Taiwanese painter self-taught himself how to draw and paint at an early age. Henry later moved to America where he began to fall outside the confines of any particular artistic movement or period, but his work remains to be characterized as dynamic and fierce.
As you go through Henry’s gallery, you’ll see that some of the art pieces have a title and/or description. This is to give insight to Henry’s inner workings, but should not influence the audience’s perspective. Each painting is unique because each viewer is unique. Other times, there is no need for a title. In the words of art historian, Dennis Phillips, the specific rather than the ambiguous title “limits our field of comprehension and does the painting a singular disservice.” The name can sometimes guide us but can also be simply too distracting.
The gallery features a very small subset of Henry’s art pieces. As time goes on, more pieces will be added or others might replace existing ones. Much like Henry’s art, this website will be forever dynamic and changing.